Yoga is an ancient holistic form of exercise and is a whole body approach. This includes the physical, mental and emotional body. There are many stages to a whole body approach and Patanjali describes them as eight limbs:

Yama- Ethical Standards

Niyama- Ethical Observations

Asana- Physical Postures

Pranayama- Breath Control

Pratyahara- Withdrawal of senses

Dharana- Concentration

Dhyana- Meditation

Samadhi- Meditative absorption.  

There are many different styles of yoga and it is important to research the different varieties to find out which one is suitable for you at this point in your life.

My Yoga Classes

The style of yoga I teach is based on Vinyasa. The class starts by setting the body into it's optimum posture, a short focus on breath work, a mindfulness exercise to bring our minds into the room and consent from you for hands on adjustments through touch.

The class flows through a variety of postures to strengthen and stretch the whole body. I offer lots of teaching points to help you find the correct positioning for each posture and I will come round to adjust and assit when required.

Towards the end of the class we will do some gentle stretching followed by 5 minutes of relaxation either as a guided meditation or breathing exercises. I do not teach chanting in my classes.

My classes are mixed ability and I offer different levels for each posture so you are in control of your workout. You will need to be able to get up and down off the floor with ease. 


My classes are set to quiet gentle music. Mats, blocks and straps are provided but feel free to bring your own if you have them. 


What This Yoga Class Can Do For You

This class will define, strengthen and lengthen all your muscles in your body. The class will allow your mind and body to relax as you focus on the exercises and forget about the stresses in your daily life. The breathing exercises will teach you different methods of breathing and will help increase your depth of breathing which will help with other areas of fitness you may do e.g. running. The meditation section will help you to focus your mind, let go of negative thoughts and help you to be in the moment, causing your mind to slow down. 


Classical Pilates is a holistic form of exercise and is a whole body approach. Pilates was designed by Joseph Pilates in the early 1900's. Pilates uses slow and precise movements to strengthen and retrain the body to regain balance within the body. There are 34 original exercises which incorporate strength, mobility and stretching. The deep core muscles are used to create core stability.

There are eight Pilates principles: 

1. Concentration

2. Breathing

3. Centering

4. Control

5. Precision

6. Flowing Movements

7. Awareness

8. Routine/Repetition

Pilates is used as for core conditioning, non-impact body conditioning and a place for rehabilitation after injury, surgery or to manage a medical condition. 

APPI Pilates

APPI (Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute) recognised that the original 34 exercises were not suitable for everyone. APPI have modified the original exercises to make them suitable for people with medical conditions, injuries and those who have had surgery to help in their recovery and to manage conditions. This style of Pilates was created for a rehabilitative setting and is known as clincal Pilates. 

My Pilates Classes

I teach classical and APPI clinical Pilates.

All my classes are mixed ability. I start the class with a standing warm up which will mobilise all the joints. We spend a few moments focusing on the Pilates breathing method which will be used throughout the class and I ask for consent for hands on adjustments. The rest of the class is then done down on the floor, either lying on your front, back or side, seated or kneeling on all fours.

Towards the end of the class we will do 10 minutes of stretching and mobility work before returning to stand to finish. 

I start each exercise at Level 1. With my cues you are able to decide how far you would like to challenge and are in control of your workout throughout. As Pilates is a style of exercise that is often prescribed my medical professionals and physiotherapists I am able to adapt each exercise so you will be able to join in regardless of any injuries or medical conditions.  

Beginners Pilates Session

If you are new to Pilates or it has been a long time since you have attended a class you will need to attend a Pilates workshop or have a one off Personal Training Session to learn the fundamentals before attending a mixed ability class. There is a lot to concentrate on in Pilates and it takes 6-8 weeks for it all to start making sense!

These beginner sessions will teach you how to find neutral spine, how to activate the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, how to set up the shoulders and rib cage, how to perform lateral thoracic breathing and will go over the base exercises. 

What This Class Will Do For You

This class will define, strengthen and lengthen all of the muscles in your body. It will teach you how to utilise all of your lung capacity increasing your depth of breathing. The focus is on activating your core muscles in each exercise. This will prevent injury in your daily life and other forms of exercise you do.  Because there is so much to think about with each exercise your mind will let go of external thoughts allowing it to relax. The class is set to gentle music and will leave you feeling relaxed and re-energised.

Trigger Point Pilates

Trigger point Pilates combines Pilates movements and myofascial principles to alleviate chronic pain conditions and tight muscles, using different pieces of equipment. The class will release tight muscles and will enhance daily movement.

This class is suitable for everyone and compliments other treatments. It is also ideal for people who exercise a lot, to help the body keep functioning well to achieve your fitness goals.

Personal Training

Personal training is a unique tool which is designed to help you reach your health and fitness goals. The session is tailored to your likes and dislikes and what your body needs to focus on.

I offer Yoga and Pilates Personal Training sessions in the comfort of your own home. 

People have Personal Training sessions for various reasons.

Some people have a medical condition or injury that requires more attention from an instructor than which is available in a class setting. In your one to one sessions I will assess your posture and technique, you are able to communicate during the exercises to let me know how each move is feeling so I can modify and adapt to make the exercise more beneficial and comfortable for you. If you have an injury ot medical condition you may have a particular area of your body that you need to strengthen or improve your flexibility and require the focus to be on these areas only where as a class offers a whole body approach each time. Once you have an understanding of your limitations you can join a main stream class as well to comliment your sessions and you will know how to adapt the exercises to make your workout more appropriate.

 You may be a beginner and would like more tution on the new exercises; a Personal Training session gives you the freedom to stop and ask questions throughout the session unlike a class where you can only ask at the end.

You may have been practicing Yoga and Pilates for a while but would like some help working towards more challeneging levels or a particular exercise that you have seen some where.


Your tailor made session will be motivating, inspiring and educational, leaving you feeling engaged and focused.

You will be given an exercise plan once a month to follow in between sessions.

Body Training Solutions covers Kelvedon, Feering, Coggeshall and Tiptree with home visits.

1 hour 1:1 session £40

1 hour 2:1 session £60


I run a variety of Yoga and Pilates workshops throughout the year ranging from introductions to Yoga and Pilates, to advanced classes focusing on a specific exercise e.g. inversions and arm balances in yoga or jack knife, boomerang and control balance in Pilates. Other workshops are with small peices of equipment which are not used in a usual class. Below is a list of upcoming workshops. 

Beginner Piltes Workshop

Date to be confirmed

This course will teach you the fundamentals of Pilates and will prepare you to attend a mixed ability class.
You will learn how to:
• stand with correct posture
• find neutral spine
• engage the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles
• perform the Pilates breathing method
• perform the beginners repertoire
Pilates will gently work your whole body with the focus on the core in each exercise. Your ‘core muscles’ are the abdominal, back and pelvic floor muscles and the diaphragm. You will mobilise the joints and stretch the muscles to encourage a full range of movement throughout the body. You will strengthen all the muscles in the body which will support your skeletal system.
Pilates uses precise, controlled flowing movements and is a mind and body approach. Pilates will improve your posture, balance and depth of breathing. Pilates encourages you to take what you learnt on the mat into your daily life to prevent poor posture which can lead to injury. Pilates is suitable for everyone.
 For more information or to book your space please send me an email:

Please email me at to for upcoming events.